giovedì 2 dicembre 2010

How to customize the error handling in a multi WCM site, and live happily.....

the idea is to have a custom page when an error for several reasons  occurs in applications
wps.ear and wcm.ear.Typically when we develop a portal that also hosts public web sites developed with the WCM, it is desirable to have an error page "branded".For example, if you enter a site of any brand is nice that the returned page not found in the case of 404 is not the default page http

but one page managed to reassure the end user


the problem is that standard, you can only customize a page by mistake,the idea developed to allow multi-site management is based on the following schedule

just a standard page that refers to the definition of management VirtualHsot where to file your personalized page.
of course, the handbook of how to make it available on request.