giovedì 29 settembre 2011

la JVM ed il dente di sega.......

con alcuni semplici script in jython, è possibile ottenre la misra dei consumi delle JVM, in particolare sfruttando la "consolle" wsadmin di websphere è possibile collezionare le misure in modo non invasivo.

un breve esempietto:

il nuovo thread :

Black_box per il reporting automatico.

a breve la prossima puntata.

giovedì 8 settembre 2011

How to change Windows 2k8 Code Page to UTF-8....

 How to change Windows 2k8 Code Page to UTF-8 before install WebSphere......
  1. Open the Control Panel or Control Panel menu from the Start bar.
  2. Select Regional and language settings. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Make sure that the required code pages are checked in the Code page conversion table.
  4. Open a Command Prompt. CHCHP is the command used to change the codepage. 65001 is the codepage for UTF-8. Run the following command, which sets the codepage to UTF-8:
    CHCHP 65001
For double-byte national languages (Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese), ensure that the local language of the machine is set to the language in which you read the prompts in the installation wizard.
If the operating system language setting does not match the language you select for the installation wizard, the prompts will not display correctly. For Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, the installation wizard prompt will display in English if the operating system language setting does not match the language you select for the installation wizard.