venerdì 27 gennaio 2017

Scripting survival zone

Some of my script to survive at DB2 Tecnologies was released !

you can get it :

Scripting survival zone

In this collection you can find some script to help you to survive at technologies :-) my plan is release all script for Linux: Ubuntu, RedHat, Suse and if possible for Winzoz
**** today all script are tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ****
**** today all script are tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ****

for DB2 on Ubuntu 16.4 LTS must install apt-get install libpam0g:i386 liabio 1

All collaction is divided in more then one branch
Linux ----> find script for DB2 on Linux OS
Win ----> find script for xxx on Winzoz
to download it from your server run following command
wget --no-check-certificate -O Script.tar.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O

wget --no-check-certificate -O

Temp Folder : - This folder will be use to working progress script -
Use carefully :-)

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